Pick up trash anytime, carry it hygienically, log the amount and share with your friends!
Hi, my name is Moritz, I'm a father of two children, an engineer and I love being outside! Forest, beach or city park, being outside relaxes me, I can breathe and meditate.
But everywhere I go, there is trash!
And it is destroying my favourite places where I use to go to relax. I can't relax when I see a beautiful beach, forest or city park and it is littered. This made me feel sad and powerless, as I can not pick up rubbish in a hygienic way, carry it to the next bin and share my progress with my friends. Existing grippers are usually made from plastic, not compact enough to carry at all times and are not easily repairable. I needed a plastic bag to carry the waste, which would leak and is not at all hygienic.
This is why I created swuupy!

Swuupy Bag and Gripper on Backpack
Swuupy consists of a compact, foldable gripper, a moisture tight bag and an app, that lets you share your collected trash volume together with the tracked path that you cleaned.
Keep clean rather than organised cleanup
Most importantly, the compact design let's you carry it with you at any time and keep your favourite place clean, rather than having to do big cleanups on longer time frames. The cleaner a place is, the higher is the resistance for someone to throw out trash and litter
Swuupy Gripping Aid
The patent pending gripper is fully made from metal, repairable and robust.
With it's lightweight, compact design it fits in every backpack or purse. The gripper unfolds by gravity as soon as the clips are released and can be operated with one hand. It folds up together quickly as well, and it goes back to its compact form automatically.
Weight: 150 g
Size: 27x10x3 cm
Attachment hook
Made from steel and aluminium

Compact Gripping Aid
Swuupy Bag
The swuupy bag is moisture tight, reusable, washable and made from coated cotton to minimise environmental impact.
The pouch at the bottom of the bag provides hygienic storage for the gripper after picking up litter.
The bag has multiple attachment options such as a belt attachment and carabiner to carry it easily.
If you own a business, the bag can also be customised with a single colour logo design.

Reusable, washable moisture tight bag
Swuupy App
The swuupy app lets you track your path where you collected trash.
It can navigate to the closest bin, and will have gamification aspects such as awards.

Swuupy App Mockup
Do you like being outside? And are your favourite places littered as well? Then support the creation of swuupy and contribute to keeping the world clean with fun and interaction!
Risiken und Herausforderungen
The gripper is constantly being improved before the launch, so the design will likely change for the better, making the gripper even lighter and more robust. This brings a slight risk of timeline creep for the delivery. As with almost everything now, there is a possibility of material shortage, but the manufacturer has not yet been affected. The app is being developed, and clearly defined to avoid scope creep and delays